Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Weekend Ride 2010

My friend Stu called us up and invited us on a day ride on Saturday over the Memorial Day weekend. We rode north up to Meeker then further north up to Craig. We then headed west to Maybell where we had lunch in a little cafe, saw a goat standing around in town, and then headed home on a little shortcut that was definitely worth the ride. Passing thru Rifle on the way home, we stopped at the new Veterans Memorial and paid our respects. The wind was a tad cool, but at least the sun was out for most of the day.... The new heated seats were just enough to keep us from being chilled... 

Hanging out in front of Gopher Foods waiting for Stu

Speak of the Devil... 

Steve, Greg, Don, Yvette, Steve and Stu

Yvette and her Drifter

What a nice day. Looking across the fields near Meeker

Taking in the view

The backside of  9 mile hill

Headed towards Craig

Motley crew outside of the Cafe

The goat in the center of town. A very well loved goat

Bikes lined up

The shortcut back home 

Steve on his new to him Roadstar and Yvette

Rest stop in Meeker

The Rifle Veterans Memorial

A parial list of Yvette's family Members

This killdeer was hard to spot. She had laid her eggs among these rocks and would not be moved. It was a good thing she chattered at us, we almost stepped on her. She would puff up and flare her wing and tail feathers at us, but she would not retreat.... Kinda fitting at a War Memorial...

Today's ride was 213 miles.

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