Here we are, shortly after arriving. The Grand Junction contingent has lined up, and we have joined them.

The local chapter of the PGR arranged for this flag display welcoming the incomming riders.

The riders arrive!

More arriving...

Putting the flags away.
This car brought up the rear of the procession...
Support trailer for the riders. Some of these guys rode from CA.
VW powered Trike.
The staging area

Lots of bikes.
This trike belongs to the local PGR chapter's Captain. It was very trick.
Present day Buffalo Soldiers.
The buffalo trike.. a very strange machine...

Missing in America Project tire cover.
Lots of folks.

I tried for the famous rear view mirror shot, but had to guess. I couldn't really see what I was doing.
Headed out, riding thru Grand Junction, CO.

A 2001 Indian! Very nice... The rest of the pic's were taken by a friend of mine. She did a better job than I, enjoy!

These are the gentlemen we are escorting today. Each of them has their story, but when the Missing in America Project folks find out about them, they offer to take them to Arlington, or to bury them were the family wishes.
Three small caskets.