Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
October 17 Lunch Run
Since all work and no play makes Y a dull girl, we decided to go on a lunch run up to Basalt, and have the worlds best French Dip sandwiches. After lunch we rode up to Aspen and went up to view the Maroon Bells. No they don't ring, and they aren't maroon...
View off I-70 just west of New Castle
Also from I-70 just west of New Castle.
Again, just west of New Castle. The temperature when we left was 60º
The Hogbacks, just east of New Castle.
View of Mt. Sporis from Hwy 82 south of Glenwood Springs.
This shot of Mt. Sporis was from Hwy 82 near Carbondale.
The road to Snowmass. If you click on the picture you can see some ski runs on Snowmass Mountain.
This ski area is called Aspen Highlands. It used to be the 'locals' mountain, until the Skico bought it up. Now all the mountains in Aspen are run by Skico. Do yourself a favor and Ski Vail...
A stand of Quakies, or Aspen trees.
The road up to Maroon Bells. We had to stop at a ranger station and pay for a day use permit. It's been a long while since I've been up here, the Ranger station didn't exist last time I visited.
Our first clear view of the Belle's.
The view of Maroon Bells from Maroon lake. One summer I camped up here, and climbed Pyramid Peak, which is out of sight off to the left. The two peaks you can see, and Pyramid are all fourteeners, but the Belles are mostly shale, therefore unstable to climb, and have claimed a few lives. My firend and I got within a 100 feet of the summit of Pyramid, when a rain storm rolled in and we were forced to abandon our attempt. It's not good to be above 14k feet when lightning is striking below you...
Yvette and I were content to climb this log...
Ah, a parting look at the Belle's in the new mirror...
By the time we got back down to Glenwood, it was almost 70º. Turned out to be a beautiful day...
The Wing and the Drifter got new oil and filters and are ready to semi retire. Our goal is to ride at least one day every month this year. We will just have to cross our fingers, and see...
By the time we got back down to Glenwood, it was almost 70º. Turned out to be a beautiful day...
The Wing and the Drifter got new oil and filters and are ready to semi retire. Our goal is to ride at least one day every month this year. We will just have to cross our fingers, and see...
Sunday, October 4, 2009
October Day Ride
We decided we would take a break from all of Yvette's responsibilites and ride up to the small town of Redstone. We were hoping some of the colors were still out, and we were not dissapointed!
Remember, you can expand any picture by clicking on it, then use your browser back button to return to the blog...
Mount Sopris, as seen from Highway 82 that heads to Aspen. Mt. Sporis's summit is only 12,965 ft, but it rises 6,250 ft above the valley. Not many mountains in North Amercia match that kind of rise.
Yvette decided to ride her 800 Intruder. Spoiled rotten...
Another view of Mt. Sopris, this time after passing thru Carbondale. We are now on Hwy 133. Mt. Sopris got it's first dusting of snow for the year.... ugh.
Fall colors are past their peak. I was hoping for a sunny day, but it was not to be.
If the sun had been out, these colors would have been much more striking.
Still on Hwy 133, just a bit past Redstone. Yvette wanted to see the upper valley.
This is the upper valley with Chair Mountain in the background. This pullout is just before the start of McClures pass.
The views are breathtaking, and the tree's aren't so bad either. <G>
Food shot for Sherm. We stopped in Redstone for a snack. Henry Weinhardts root beer and a homemade brownie. Yum!
The long distance trips are done for the year. I'm hoping to get a few more day trips like this one. Round trip was less than 100 miles, and we were only out for 3 hours...
C'mon spring..
Friday, September 11, 2009
09 - Eureka Springs
The Ride Home
*remember, you can click on any picture to enlarge it
Headed home. The weather did not want to cooperate, even on the last day. Behind me are Flyin Willy, Waterman, JameyT and Trouble. I guess we could say that trouble was following us...
Kinda Creepy... I kept listening for banjo music.
Kinda pretty too.
I snapped this photo at a stop light.
Jamey and Melanie kept going north to Kansas City. We headed west towards Wichita, but stopped just inside OK for a snack.
Woohoo! Sunshine in Kansas!
Check out the thermometer.... 81 degrees!
A field of yellow flowers
and a field of red flowers.
We did really good eating up the interstate. The miles were flying by. Other things were flying as well. About 30 miles from the CO border, a pheasant took wing from the median. It swerved to avoid John, and came right across my path. I didn't worry too much, after all it was just a bird... a 5lb bird... I ducked my head, and heard a 'thump'. When I looked up, my right mirror assembly was *gone*... I went back and got it. The bracket is broken, and the mirror is shattered, but I think it is fixable. Darn birds. As John said, it's a good thing it only 'Winged' me...
The weather turned really ugly. Big black clouds, lightning and cold rain. I had hoped to ride all the way home in a single day, but abandoned that idea. Joel had peeled off north near Burlington, and John and I decided to stop in Limon. We walked across the street to a Bar and Grill for dinner. They had cheesburgers on special, but these are certainly not 'Big Ass Burgers'. They filled our stomachs tho.
The next morning was clearer, but very windy. The wind made passing semi's a tricky situation. If you weren't prepared when you got around them, the wind would blow you about quite a bit.
This is looking towards Denver. We didn't know it but we were heading for some cold rain.
John turned north in Denver, and this is what I found in Idaho Springs, about 30 miles west of Denver. Snow. Cold, nasty snow. I bet I turned few heads riding the Wing in the snow. But it wasn't too bad. Thanks to Frogg Toggs and Gebings I was warm and dry. As long as the snow didn't stick to the roads I was fine.
Yup, that is Ice alright. My feet did get cold, as I didn't have my Merino wool/ possum fur socks with me. I only had golf socks, so I put on and extra two pair and motored on. My feet weren't warm, but they weren't uncomfortably cold either. As it worked out, the sun showed its face for a bit after the top of Vail Pass.
Close up of the windshield. This kind of weather is all part and parcel of riding cross country.
Got to love Colorado. If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change. It never really warmed up, the high was 57 degrees. But the sun was shining and it was great to get home...
Day 8
Started the day with a memorial to our fallen brothers.
Piper played a very moving rendition of 'Amazing Grace'.
CheapB reading the forcast hoping for some nice riding weather. He, Wrong Turn and Waterman had taken a very spirited ride thru MO yesterday, and was hoping to ride it again in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, it was not to be.
Breakfast at the Silver Spoke. They had one heckova special, I had two sausage patties, two scrambled eggs, hash browns and a buiscuit split in half, then covered in sausage gravy. Every day...
Melanie is a bit worse for the wear after trying to party with Susan. We all stayed up late and had a great time until they closed the patio at 1:00am. Thankfully Sherm was playing Designated Driver and took Melanie, Jamey and Susan back to their hotel.
It was not a total loss for the day. Even tho we didn't get to ride, we all got to spend quality time with old friends.
Day 7
Line of bikes outside the patio

This double was more than a mouthful. She had to bite from the top, then bite from the bottom to be able to eat it.

Gambler just wanted a 'snack' so he went for the frito chili pie... and got a lot more than he bargained for.
After eating Stewey and Flamekiller decided to take some 'Killboy' type shots. Here I am, with Susan, trying to look 'sporty'.
A little better shot. It seems like we were leaning a lot more than this picture show. We even managed to scrape a peg!
Day 6

Cheap B and Wrong Turn. Two of the "Fighting Pappy's". On the way out here, they missed "Popeye Days" by one day...
Rem, Reverse and Lucky Al
We decide to go to the Rowdy Beaver for dinner. We started out in the bar, but moved into the dining room after we found out they had one.
They had a area just for large groups. We had no sooner sat down then they started arranging the other set of tables for another group. A group of Harley riders! There were some good natured jabs, and some not so good natured jabs, but all in all we coexisted peacefully.
Flip, Wrong Turn, and Shelby enjoying an evening chat

Stewey, zmean1, Hooligan and CheapB
This day was mostly spent socializing. We did take a short run out to Cycle Gadgets, a few leather shops and the Ice Cream Store.... Cycle Gadgets is a techno-geeks candy store...
Day 5

Hotsauce and Bass man. Scott stopped by for a few hours of socializing last night. He was in the area for something work related. His visit was a pleasant suprise.

Stopped in Siloam Springs to go to Wally World to fix my sunglasses. One of the nose pieces had fallen off, and OK won't allow vision centers in their Wal-marts. Man, it was an expensive fix too. All of $2.50.
Arrived at last. It was drizzling when we got there, but it rained later. Flamekiller, Magellan, Stewey, Lucky Al and Rem hanging out. It is good to be back among old friends.

Cheap B drove thru the rain pulling a Kwik Camp camp trailer. It is a nice little unit, set up quick and gave him a nice dry place to stay.

Lucky Al and Sherm. Sherm is a master blogger. You can view his blog of this trip at
This is Stewey showing affection...

After I ordered the 1/2lb Cheeseburger, CheapB made a slight change to the menu. The wait staff didn't notice the change until a few days later, when people started ordering the burger by it's new name. They thought this description was better than the original and kept it...
Day Four

This is not what I expected Oklahoma to look like

Day Three
Don's favorite BBQ Place. We took a short ride in the car to get here because of the rain. Know we know what bikers do when they can't ride... they eat!

But the portions! OMG! This is one order of chicken fingers! The girl who took my order literally plunged BOTH hands into the pan of home fries, pressed them against the side of the pan and scooped out as much as she possibly could!

Day Two

About 1:00 I entered Oklahoma, and started to really enjoy the day. As soon as I crossed the border the speed limit went up 10mph, the roads got curvy and hilly, and it got warmer. I was soon shedding the leather pants and the liner. The last 2 hours were quite pleasant.

The restaraunt Don took us to for dinner. I caught Sherm taking the same photo.. =)

Got up this morning, ready to head out. Went to check out the complimentary breakfast, and it was meager, even for continental breakfast standards. It was pathetic, I ended up with a bagel the size of a silver dollar and some juice.
It was very foggy out, but the nice thing about fog is that the bugs are soft and wipe off easy. The morning was cool, it stayed in the 60's until after noon. It never did rain, but it 'misted' on me. I watched the water creep up the windshield and spatter my face shield.
370.9 Miles in 5.53 hours, stopped for a total of 29 minutes. Moving average 60.8mph. Max speed 96.7
hehehe... There were these 3 semi's in a line you see and only a short passing lane...

This is the view of I-70, looking west...
and this is the view looking east... guess which direction I have to go...
The scrub oak is changing color...
Finally, some sun and temps in the low 70's part way thru Kansas
Just screwing around with the camera...
Hwy 238 between I-70 and Dodge City... 84 miles of 'straight'... would have been a fun road with a higher speed limit...
Came across this way cool building in the tiny town of Ness, KS. What an fantastic building. The street is paved with brick, btw...
Yvette says the building looks like a sand castle...
I took a walk to the Taco Tico down the block. When I got there they had a picture of a gun,with the universal 'No' sign over it. I had the LCP with me, but I went in anyway. I figured they would never know I had it unless I needed it, and if I needed it, I didn't care about their sign. When will people figure out that they have no need to be concerned with someone who is legally carrying a gun...
Day One

This is the view of I-70, looking west...

Just screwing around with the camera...

And even better with the sunset behind it.
It was an OK day of riding. It never really warmed up, but after the sun came out, at least I could ditch the heated gloves and the rain jacket. After 43 degrees on Vail, and in the tunnel too, I don't care if people tease me about my heated gear. I love my Gerbings.. =) When I got to Limon, I decided to keep going east instead of south to Amarillo. I thought I would go ahead and see how far I could get, besides, the weather going south didn't look any better than the weather going east. I must have been fighting a good headwind, cause my fuel light came on at 200 miles or so. I was planning on making it to Hays, but barely made it to Wakeeney... I had only a 1/2 gallon when I stopped... I only got 34 mpg, normally I get 42... Talked to Sherm for a bit on the cell, he recommended I head south to Dodge City from Wakeeney. It was only 80 miles away, and I was running out of daylight, so I agreed it sounded like a plan. 84 miles later, I was signing into the Travelodge that Sherm recommended... I even got the same room he did last night.-
I took a walk to the Taco Tico down the block. When I got there they had a picture of a gun,with the universal 'No' sign over it. I had the LCP with me, but I went in anyway. I figured they would never know I had it unless I needed it, and if I needed it, I didn't care about their sign. When will people figure out that they have no need to be concerned with someone who is legally carrying a gun...
Tulsa is one gas tank away, but Emily says it will take 6 hours. Gonna head out bright and early.. Hopefully it will be a sunny day...
575 miles in 9.12 hours. Stopped for a total of 1.1hours. moving average 71.6 mph. Max speed 94....---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tomorrow morning I'll be headed for Eureka Springs. I plan on going via Amarillo this time, as I will have to come home on I-70, and really don't want to ride thru Kansas twice in 10 days...
I'll try to update the trip nightly, so stay tuned...
I'll try to update the trip nightly, so stay tuned...
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